Clemens Hart Con Medicinanatural treats with RAC pulse status

Your Teacher During Retreat

We accompany you

With Clemens Hart and Claudia Wolf, we have a strong team of two very successful therapists on board for the topic of 'Holistic Healing'.If you too are exhausted and would like to recharge your batteries from an exclusive & empowering place, then visit one of our Holistic Healing packages.

About the teacher

Clemens & Claudia

Their shared interest in holistic healing brought the two together and encouraged them to combine their skills. This has proven to be very beneficial for many of her patients. Numerous joint training courses and more than 10 years of joint experience from working together enable Clemens and Claudia to achieve great success through their complementary perspectives.

Holistic treatment with flower essences
Homeopathic Globuli in the Retreat Center Rancho Los Lobos

Due to the extensive competence and the various treatment techniques with both homeopathy and kinesiology, many clinical pictures can be successfully treated. Burnout, tinnitus, sleep disorders or disc damage, to name just a few, are widespread ailments of our time.

Our only job is to be happy.
Dalai Lama

Health-oriented holiday

Clemens Hart introduces himself:

As an anesthetist in the operating room, I realized that the causes of an illness are never treated, only the symptoms. The longing for a cause of medicine arose in me, which I found in natural medicine. This longing drove me to learn numerous natural medicine methods with which the causes of diseases can be found and treated efficiently.

On this basis and my experience in all areas of medicine, I can very often decode seemingly unsolvable clinical pictures in a short time, especially with the RAC pulse test, in which I am a recognized expert.

With the information and energy medicine therapy options available to me, it is possible in many cases to achieve a significant improvement or healing. It is my vocation to eliminate seemingly incurable diseases as quickly as possible with this cause-based and side-effect-free medicine. I look forward to leading you into a more pain-free and confident life and showing you how to achieve more life energy and well-being and take your health to the next level.

Clemens Hart Natural Physician in Spain

Naturopathic therapies are effective and have no side effects. Naturopathy treats with the diverse possibilities of nature without suppressing the symptoms of an unhealed disease. It increases the self-healing powers and causes profound and lasting healing from within. Natural therapies can be used for all kinds of diseases. They are suitable for the treatment of acute and chronic diseases.

Write our Teacher
Claudia Wolf Kinesiologist in Spain


Claudia Wolf introduces herself:

Even as a child I felt a unity with nature and its beings, I was never emotionally separated from the bumblebee or the kitten.

Because I like to communicate, I learned several body-oriented professions and finally also kinesiology as a method of communicating with the unconscious part in us. My work with kinesiology gave me a feeling for feeling the mental patterns as the cause of the most diverse physical and mental ailments.

Recognizing and dissolving these causal patterns leads to more inner freedom and a return to what you are in your inner core.

Spend some time with yourself every day.
Dalai Lama

Holistic Treatments


  • Auriculomedicine with disturbance focus diagnostics
  • Acupuncture
  • homeopathy
  • flower essences
  • kinesiology
  • Coaching and tips for a healthy lifestyle
  • Testing of food intolerance
Lichtakukunkpunktur according to RAC pulse tests